
BJJ Gi Buyers Guide (2021) Whether you’re a pro or someone starting out, you will need the right gi to make an impact. The huge number of options out there can make it difficult for practitioners to pick the right one. Look at gi as your uniform. You will wear...

How to measure your BJJ GI So you are planning to get a new gi, but dont know which size to buy? No worries, we have a chart and here’s how you measure to find your size. We are always happy to answer any questions, so just drop us a message. Start measuring...

Ripstop or Cotton canvas? Choosing your Gi but don’t know which is better material for BJJ GI pants, cotton canvas or ripstop? Here is a short explanation of the differences based on our experience.Ripstop Ripstop is made of 100% cotton, same as cotton canvas. It’s...